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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I set up a workspace for a small task?

Answer: You can create workspaces for tasks of any size. You can set up a workspace even just for one day.  You can remove the workspace when a task is completed or, alternatively, archive it for later use.

Who are the workspaces for? 

Answer: TUOVI workspaces can be used by all registered TUOVI members. Workspaces provide a free common platform for e-collaboration for all security-related networks, working groups, projects and other teams. The workspace can be set up by any registered TUOVI member.

Who maintains the workspace?

The creator of a workspace is automatically its administrator. The administrator can invite other users to the workspace and remove users from the workspace. The administrator can also assign administrator role to other workspace members.

What are the rules for operating in workspaces and who monitors them?

Answer: The workspaces are intended for professional and voluntary security operators. The aim of the workspaces is to facilitate work that aims at promoting, understanding or exploring security. 

Storing, distributing or linking illegal material in the workspaces is prohibited. The responsibility of the accuracy and distribution rights of the materials is with the person who shares it. TUOVI administrators have the right to remove questionable materials. 

Participants in workspaces are required to act constructively and respecting others and to limit their contributions to the subject matter. The workspace administrator is responsible for the appropriateness and legality of the workspace operations. 

In case of inappropriate conduct, you should first contact the workspace administrator. If the matter cannot be resolved by the administrators or if any other reason so requires, you must contact the TUOVI administrators. All communications will be handled in confidence. 

Contact TUOVI administrators at  or send feedback by clicking the yellow envelope button at the bottom righthand side of the page.

What issues can be dealt with in TUOVI workspaces? How secure is the information?

Answer: TUOVI is produced on the same safe YJA shared publication platform as many other central government online services.. TUOVI is technically strongly protected. 

The visibility of the contents of TUOVI workspaces depends on their publicity settings. Materials, discussions and tasks in a private workspace are visible only to workspace members. The contents of public workspaces can be viewed, but not edited, by all registered members of TUOVI. Unregistered TUOVI users cannot view workspaces at all. 

Despite the high level of technical protection, the workspaces should not process material that is legally confidential. All other materials, such as preparatory materials, discussions on matters under preparation and meeting materials may be shared. 

Ultimately, the security of the material processed in the workspaces is the responsibility of the owner of the material and the administrator of the workspace. 

Can I create a seminar event on the TUOVI Public Events page? How do I do this?


Answer: If you are a member of TUOVI, you can create a public event for your seminar or training course. However, you must first obtain the approval of TUOVI administrators. 

When creating an event, select the "Public for All" option for the event. When the event listing is complete, the administrators will be automatically notified of a new event. After reviewing the content they will either approve or reject the listing. You will be notified of the approval or rejection of the event. 

After the listing is approved, the event will appear on the Events page visible to both for signed-in and non-signed-in users. The listing will appear on the TUOVI frontpage nearer to the time of the event. 

You can also send information about your event by email to TUOVI administrators at If the event is suitable for publication on the public website, the maintenance will create an event and list it.

Does TUOVI accept blog posts?

We are happy to receive written pieces, photographs and topic suggestions from our readers and registered members. 

For your contribution to be published:
1.    You must own the copyright of the material or have a permission to share and publish the material.
2.    You understand and agree that the TUOVI team may edit the material to the extent necessary.
3.    The TUOVI team makes the decision to publish or not to publish.
Materials and suggestions can be sent to the TUOVI team by email at 

What do I do if I can't find a suitable hashtag (#) for myself/my workspace among the suggested hashtags

Answer: The hashtag themes are created in such a way that most internal security key words are included in one of them. However, if you can't find the key words that suit your purpose, you can suggest a new hashtag and key words to TUOVI administrators. The administrators update the list of hashtag key words as necessary.

Send your suggestions for hashtag key words either 
1. through the feedback form by clicking the yellow envelope icon at the bottom righthand side of the page 
2. by email to

I have forgotten my password. How do I get a new one? 

Answer: Find the Sign In button in the upper righthand corner of the TUOVI front page. Click the Sign In button and then Forgot password? to request a new password.

What are the requirements for a password? 
Answer: Use a password that is difficult to guess. The password must not contain special characters (for example, % or # characters) or Scandinavian characters (e.g, å, ä, ö). 

The password must contain at least 
•    eight characters 
•    one number (0-9)
•    one upper case letter (A-Z)
•    one lower case letter (a-z)

Keep the password safe and never disclose it to anyone else.

I registered as a TUOVI user, but I have not received a username and password by email. What do I do?

Answer: Your registration request generates an automated email asking you to confirm your registration. Sometimes these messages go to the junk folder in your mailbox, so check your junk folder if you can’t find the email in your inbox. Sometimes the reason can be a temporary fault. Wait for a while.

After confirming your registration, your registration request will be submitted for approval by the administrators. Your request will be processed as soon as possible, but no later than the next working day. Once your request has been approved, you will receive an email message containing your username and password.

If the email is not found in your junk mail and the message does not arrive, try ordering a new password again through the Sign In > Forgotten password?. Remember to request a new password using the same email address that you used when registering as a member of TUOVI. 

If the problem still persists, please contact

My email address has changed. How do I update my email address on my TUOVI account?

Answer: The email address you provided at the registration stage is also your username. To change it, you will need the assistance of the administrators.

If you want to change the email address on your account, send your new address to TUOVI administrators at  

How does TUOVI process my personal data?

Answer: We only use your personal data for customer communications on the site only. We will not disclose your membership register data outside TUOVI. You may delete your TUOVI account at any time, and at the same time your registration data will also be deleted.

How do I contact user support?

Answer: Technical support for TUOVI users is provided by TUOVI administrators. You can contact the administrators either via the feedback form at the bottom righthand side of the site or via email. The email address is 

Please note that TUOVI does not offer user support 24/7. The administrators will reply to your message within office hours as soon as possible and at the latest on the next business day from receiving your message.