What does the section for registered users contain and what can you do there?
TUOVI is a community of hundreds of security experts
TUOVI has nearly a thousand registered members who work with security. These members, who participate with their real names, form the TUOVI community. The members represent many different sectors and themes of security. What makes TUOVI a unique community is the members’ wide range and extensive competence linked to internal security.
You can search for partners for your projects or networks in TUOVI. For example, you can search for people by their background organisations.
You can join TUOVI once your registration request has been approved. Registration is free, and your membership will not be public information; it will only be visible to other registered members.
TUOVI administration checks all registration requests and only accepts as members persons registered under their real names.
Go to submit a registration request
Free workspaces for projects
The workspaces are used in many different ways, such as for event preparation, as a training tool, for monitoring projects or sharing documents, or for network communications.
You can create a workspace for yourself. Creating a workspace is free, and there are no limitations on the number or purposes of the workspaces.
All workspaces are displayed on the registered users’ TUOVI workspaces page. The workspaces are either public or private. In a public workspace you can, among other things, see uploaded materials and the discussions held in the workspace. If a workspace is private, you can only view its public information – such as an introduction, its status (in other words if the workspace is being prepared, active or archived), and its administrators. You can set your workspace to be public or private.
You can use keywords to search for workspaces that interest you. You can contact a workspace by sending an e-mail to its administrator. The administrators' e-mail addresses can be found on their personal profile pages.
You can go to the frontpage of another workspace and submit a request to join it. Please note that all workspaces make their own decisions about whether to accept or reject requests to join.
Read more about using workspaces in the terms of use
Different roles of a registered member
All registered users who have been accepted are members of the TUOVI community. As a member of the community, you can have three different roles: workspace administrator, workspace member, or TUOVI community member. These roles determine the members’ rights.
TUOVI community member
As a member of the TUOVI community, you can:
1. look for partners among other TUOVI members
2. browse existing workspaces and submit requests to join them
3. set up your own workspaces
4. create events not associated with workspaces
5. view events created by other members that are public or visible to TUOVI members
6. add events to your ‘event organiser’.
Workspace member
As a workspace member, you have more extensive rights than a community member. In addition to the rights belonging to a community member, you can also
1. create threads and administrate them in the workspace
2. save and delete files you upload to the workspace
3. organise and administrate tasks created by you in the workspace
4. also create events related to the workspace
5. in addition to public events and those visible to TUOVI community members, you can also see the private events of the workspace.
Workspace administrator
When you create a workspace, you automatically become its administrator. A workspace administrator has a larger role than a workspace member. As an administrator, you can also
1. define the purpose of the workspace
2. configure the publicity settings of the workspace
3. send invitations to join your workspace to TUOVI members and outsiders
4. send messages to other administrators of the workspace
5. make decisions to accept or reject requests to join
6. create and administrate all threads
7. save and administrate all files and folder structures
8. organise and administrate all tasks
9. administrate events associated with the workspace
10. administrate workspace members’ rights